Coaching Corner ~ Maintaining
Healthy Blood Sugars
-Kimberlee Langford, RN BSN CCM CPC
For many people with
type II diabetes – it develops over time – years of strain on a pancreas from a
diet rich in easy and quick-to-digest foods that end up putting a lot of sugar
in the blood stream and a heavy burden on the pancreas to pump out more and
more insulin….and eventually, the strain wears out the insulin-producing
capacity of the pancreas.
Not having enough insulin means that the sugar in the bloodstream from
the foods we eat, cannot get into the cells to supply the energy they need to
do the work of living. Blood sugars rise
making it harder for the heart to pump the blood – blood pressure increases –
over time this damages delicate structures like eyes and hearts and nerves and
Meanwhile – those cells are hungry – they have not been fed – so they
send a signal to the brain that they are starving and the brain accommodates by
creating a craving – makes you reach for the bag of chips or can of soda pop –
or the candy bar we saw in the break room at work!
The increased concentration
of sugar in the blood sends a message to the brain that makes you thirsty –
wanting to thin out the sugar and the kidneys kick in so we can urinate more –
letting off the excess sugar.
It’s easy to dismiss these danger signals – ‘of course we urinate a lot
– because we drink a lot.’ Or ‘I just
don’t have any willpower.’
It’s important to recognize the reason behind the symptoms – your body
is talking to you! When you have a
craving for something you know you ‘shouldn’t’ eat – know that is has nothing
to do with willpower and everything to do with telling you it needs something
you haven’t given it or that it can’t access yet.
Think of your blood sugar like a fire – some foods burn like kindling
and some foods burn like logs. – High glycemic
index foods are those with a HIGH effect on your blood sugar – they burn real
hot, real fast – and then go out – like that candy bar you saw in the break
room – white flour, white rice, minute oatmeal, minute rice – quick foods are
quick because they are easier to break down into sugar.
Some foods burn like
a log – not a big or fast rise in blood sugar, but they burn for a long time
and keep a room temperate and comfortable.
Throwing a log on your fire at regular intervals keeps a fire going
nicely. If you don’t keep putting a log
on the fire at regular intervals, the fire goes out – and you have to re-start
it. These foods are proteins, high
fiber foods and fats – they burn longer…break down slower.
Having a fire go out and having to restart it is a lot of work – it’s
hard on your body to have low and high blood sugars.
For a diabetic – putting a log on your fire at regular intervals –
every 3-4 hours – is a key to helping to maintain regular blood sugar
levels. It will prevent you having to chase a low
blood sugar and drive it high with those quick, fast foods. You’ll find that as sugar levels normalize –
cravings will go away, you’ll enjoy greater energy and less mood swings – and reduce
your risk for heart, kidney disease, liver disease, neuropathy and skin problems and more!