Monday, December 12, 2016

Kim's Top 10 Tips for Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

Got big health goals for the New Years?  Struggling with the pre-Holiday Bloat? - Here are some great tips to help you get through the holidays and on to your healthiest 2017!!!

1)     Don’t like water?  Drink “Pretty Water” --  I LOVE drinking from pretty glasses or goblets! – My favorite ways to dress up my water to make it more appealing: adding a bay leaf or two,  cucumber slices are super refreshing, a handful of your favorite or mixed berries! – It’s lovely to look at and just makes you want to drink!

2)      “Front-load” your fluids! – On busy days, I start off with drinking a quart – from a jar! – Drinking  a lot in the morning makes fewer trips to the bathroom at work, or on the road! – Also, many people find that it helps you feel more energy and get going for the day easier! –And if the day gets busy, no worries, you’re half-way there! – Dividing your body weight in half, tells you how many ounces your body needs (unless you are on a doctor-ordered fluid restriction!)   For example:  with a weight of 160#, the recommended fluid intake (caffeine and alcohol do NOT count as a fluid!) – would be 80 ounces, or about 10 cups. So aim for at least 8 – 10 glasses!

3)      What we pay attention to, we can control and change! – Start setting an alarm to go to bed  on time to ensure you get the recommended 7-8 hrs of sleep per night.  Cutting this short reduces your body’s ability to restore, regenerate and rebuild!  Adequate sleep ensures that we get the deep, REM sleep that causes the pituitary gland to secrete the Growth Hormone that is ESSENTIAL to repair damage being done in waking hours!  This is why folks who don’t get enough sleep tend to have higher risks of obesity, autoimmune diseases, higher rates of illnesses and poorer recovery. 

4)      Too busy to exercise? – No joke, I rarely see people who exercise in a nursing home!  Pay now or pay later!  Our bodies are like the economy! – everything suffers when it stops moving!  Experts agree that even two, 15-minute sessions can be as effective as a 30 minute session.  And the payoff is HUGE!   If you want more energy,  better mood, improved stamina – start now with at LEAST 12 – 15 minutes a day.  Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier – go for a walk!  Even walking in place!  Just get your body moving!!!  Some favorite ideas:  Youtube has some great walking videos that you can try – even in a small space at home or in front of your desk at work!  I’ve been caught walking in place while folding laundry! – Just DECIDE to move, and carve out even just 15 minutes – you deserve AT LEAST that much!

5)      Holidays have you down? - Build your own emotional first Aid Kit!  We talk a lot about keeping bodies healthy, but healthy minds make that a little easier, and depression just makes everything hard.  If you are suffering from depression, know that you are not alone and talk to your doctor and/or see a professional counsellor for help.  There are some things that you can do NOW to help.  Get OUT! – Sunlight  - exposing our eyes to natural sunlight helps us make more of the hormones that help with a healthy mood! – Go out for a walk, or get some natural light bulbs – but get at least 10-15 minutes directly a day!   Make a list of the things that help you feel good! – When people ask you: “What do you like to do?” do you have a response? – or do you think to yourself: “Jeepers, I don’t know anymore?”  Jot down a list of some things you might like to do, or wish you liked to do:  here are some starters:  Play an instrument, sing, turn up the music loud and dance when no one is watching,  Spend time with friends,  Movies, Concerts, Time alone in the forest,  animals, drawing…… etc.  Make a list and on a hard day, pick one thing.  Studies show that when we do the physical activities we would do if we weren’t depressed, we can actually alter those hormones in the brain that help with mood!  

6)      Focus on what you have control of and practice letting go of the things you have no control of.  – Easier said than done.  This kind of mindfulness takes practice to develop.  Practicing this can help you make big changes in your life, can help minimize the harmful effects of stress, and decrease the paralysis that comes with the fear of not having power over our lives.

7)      SERVE OTHERS!  We really do find ourselves when we forget ourselves.  By focusing on doing something good for someone else, it is a little easier to step away from your own troubles or stresses – for even a little while.  Often this mini-vacation can help you re-charge and gain new insight to your problems. 

8)      Laugh.  –When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost lost control of your bladder?!  A good, belly-busting laugh can help increase immunity, and has been shown to increase some of those feel-good hormones in the brain.  Go ahead… laugh out loud! – If you need some help, watch a funny movie, or google “funny cat videos” – it’s sure to do – the – trick!

9)      Don’t skip meals!!!  Our bodies are skilled at responding to any early sign of a threat.  Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism because your body perceives it as a threat of starvation and goes into energy conservation mode! – Eating small meals, more frequently – ensuring you get some healthy protein at every meal and plenty of fluids will actually boost your metabolism and help to burn fat and have energy throughout the day, as well as reducing the temptation to overeat!   Busy day out? – pack a healthy snack vs stopping at McDonalds! – Handful of nuts and seeds, protein bar or shake and take it with you.  I ALWAYS have a couple of protein bars in my purse for that occasion!

10)   Give a gift that lasts to YOURSELF – learn something new! – Try a new hobby!  Make a new friend!  What have you always wanted to try or do?  Last time I checked, “Someday” wasn’t on my calendar! – Pick something and schedule it on your calendar!   - no time like the ‘PRESENT’
(yes, corny little play on words!)

Merry Christmas!
I believe in YOU!


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