Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas from the mission - 12.25.2023

Okay fam. Gotta confess... That 10'ft dunk in last weeks email... prolly more like 9'6... Anyways here's what we are learning this week to improve the work in pagosa. Learning to do more service, be more effective on return visits, help people progress via follow ups on commitments, and mission standards. We are also trying to help the members with their ministering assignments (long term goal). No one does their ministering assignments here. As such id admonish you all to do your ministering assignments. Saves the missionaries a lot of time that could be spent teaching new people the gospel. Orrrrr converting the entire town with this new method I've been pondering called....................................... non consensual baptism About to average 30 baptisms a week. Moving on to the spiritual thought for the week... What is the foundation of your daily life? President Holland said something I think about often in his April of 2016 General conference talk titled: "tomorrow the lord will do wonders among you." He said- "the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life." Build upon the foundation of Heavenly Father's divine love. Grow your relationship with the savior by seeking him out through study, prayer, and faith, and you will begin to see yourself and others, through Christ's eyes, seeing a small bit of your eternal value. I know my savior lives. I know Jesus Christ came down for you and I to prepare a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. I know He loves every one of you. And I leave this thought with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. BTW I'm trying to bulk. Pls pray that I'll be 6'8 and 210 lbs by the end of my mission (jk that seems a bit sacrilege... maybe jusylt 6'5.... I am trying to bulk though. Feels like ive been 160 since I came out the womb) Or if not, pray for this friend named Steven he could use some blessings right now (do this please). Anyways cyaluvyabye and Merry Christmas BTW I ate chicken soup that was grown in a pumpkin. Pagosa goes wild. 1: pumpkin grown chicken soup 2: man dressed like a deer 3: Pic from another dunk but I thought it was clear the hoop wasn't 10 ft so that's why it wasn't in last weeks 4: my comp 5: Campbell's soup for tracting. People be sick in Pagosa so they say they are sick and we pull Campbell's out of the back pocket and say: "oh you need some soup?"

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