Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Holidays, Traditions and the Value of Fun!

Holidays are for some, the most favored times of the year....and for some, they are painful memories of what once was - that is no more - or of wishes not yet fulfilled....  In either case, they are POWERFUL mainly because of special memories they trigger. 

Do you always put up your Christmas tree on the day after Thanksgiving? - or wait til a December child's birthday? - Do you make an outing in the forest to find the PERFECT tree with excited children in tow? -Sip hot chocolate and watch 'It's a Wonderful Life?'   

Traditions, time for fun and being with people we love is certainly not time wasted, squandered - or just frivolous and of no real value.  It is the fun memories, traditions and time spent with each other that hold us together, long after the people that helped us create them are gone. 

It's been 27 years now since my brother was killed.  Christmas is still precious to me.  We always put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving.  Many a thrilling ride being towed behind the family vehicle with snow-spray burning our faces fill my cloudy memories at this time of year, and I love sharing the thrill with my own children. 

Of course, as an adult with children of my own, we have added our own traditions - caroling to neighbors, making home-crafted gifts and treats - and delivering them to  people we love, people we don't know but who we want to know better, and my daughter and I delight in driving around looking for random people to surprise with a little Christmas cheer and something special -- or ringing the doorbell and hiding after delivering a Christmas basket! 

These traditions, and unstructured FUN times shared will outlive ourselves, and can wrap those left behind like a fluffy blanket on a cold day.  

Take a little time this year, away from the bustle, the crowds and the retail warfare..... and just BE.  Make some memories, and from our house to yours:  Have a most wonderful Holiday Season!  



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