Monday, January 29, 2024

Feeling like a newbie -

Hey everybody. This week's been interesting to say the least. The work is still so different here. Feels a bit like im a new missionary. But anyways here's all that's happened-> We went to the Albaqurque temple as well as the farmington visitor center. We found 2 lost great pyranese dogs. Had a few baptisms. Don't have much else to say but i want to share one of my favorite lessons with you all. Mosiah 2:17 says: 17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. This short video shows this better than I could explain to you: Press forward my friends. I wish you all the best. Cyaluvyabye Pictures 1: my portrait of elder west 2&3&8&10&14: farmington temple & visitor center 4: elder west in the bathroom 5&6&7&8&9: my good friends dog and dog 11: i got tackled by my comp 12: Albequrque Temple 13&15: baptism pics

Monday, January 15, 2024

Another Poorly Written Weekly Email

Before we begin use caution. If you don't want to see dead things, or guns, don't look at the pictures. 13+ age rating But basically it's been a good week (: Okay team, here's all the updates. 1:I'm no longer a trainer and I'm now in Bloomfield new mexico (my new comp is Elder West, he's chill) 2: We butchered a bull and a goat and the people we did it for gave me the bull's testicles Before we continue just want to take a second to remind everyone that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Also want to talk about learning to walk by faith. One of my friends in Pagosa always says, "we see through a glass darkly." We don't see the road clearly, in order to safely walk this path, we need to involve the savior as our personal guide through this life. To follow him when we can see him, and pressing forward all the same with faith that He's there when we can't. I made a lot of good friends in Pagosa and learned a lot there. I got to see the Lord reach out to them. I got to see them take the Lord's hand and walk with faith despite the hardness of the way. I learned a lot from my friends and they glow as candles in the dark to me. Anyways that's the spiritual thought Couple of cool things before I say bye. They actually play basketball here which is hype, I'll play tonight. We also have another set of elders that live 5 minutes away, Elder Mounga and Elder Bacerra (who's a straight greenie, got in 3 days ago). Elder Mounga and Elder West used to be comps and Elder Mounga has a key to OUR apartment so they just show up sometimes or mess with us. We are getting them back though. Stole their backup key yesterday and made a copy. But remember those guys because they'll probably be in future emails. Anyways have a good week friends and family (: Also wanted to shout out my mission fam I met in Pagosa-> Adam & Aimee & Alicity, Pauline Y, Lucy G, Gary & Rod & Connie, Darrel, the Forsters, Hills, Wills, S. Forrest, & Levi (: Pics: Oh by the way one mission miracle is that one of my friends promised me a 12 gauge (: One picture of Bloomfield Someone's Dinner (Elder West on the left, Mounga in the middle, Elder Bacerra not in the picture, it was his first day in the field and he was seriously dying. Mtc did nothing for that man.) Elder Bacerra on the right in the next picture

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

See others the way God sees them ...

I know a few men who know so much about the gospel and doctrine, or about other spiritual philosophies and schools of thought that he might just be able to lay out the entire universe and the plans throughout time, but often withhold help to others in need. I know a mother who drowns her sorrows in alcohol who sees so little in herself and wont take hold of any bit hope when it comes, as well as a daughter who reaps the consequences. I know a fireman. Who goes out and chops his own wood and makes sure he has enough for a few others who won't have enough. Who sees a man he has never known or seen before and loves him all the same. A poet once wrote: "I met a stranger in the night, whose lamp had ceased to shine; I paused and let him light his lamp from mine. A tempest sprang up later on, and shook the world about, And when the wind was gone, my lamp was out. But back came to me the stranger—his lamp was glowing fine; He held the precious flame and lighted mine" My invitation to you, as well as to myself, is to see Christ in every face you encounter. No matter who they are. And let your light shine to them. - President Monson's talk in 1999 -"For I was blind but now I see"

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas from the mission - 12.25.2023

Okay fam. Gotta confess... That 10'ft dunk in last weeks email... prolly more like 9'6... Anyways here's what we are learning this week to improve the work in pagosa. Learning to do more service, be more effective on return visits, help people progress via follow ups on commitments, and mission standards. We are also trying to help the members with their ministering assignments (long term goal). No one does their ministering assignments here. As such id admonish you all to do your ministering assignments. Saves the missionaries a lot of time that could be spent teaching new people the gospel. Orrrrr converting the entire town with this new method I've been pondering called....................................... non consensual baptism About to average 30 baptisms a week. Moving on to the spiritual thought for the week... What is the foundation of your daily life? President Holland said something I think about often in his April of 2016 General conference talk titled: "tomorrow the lord will do wonders among you." He said- "the first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life." Build upon the foundation of Heavenly Father's divine love. Grow your relationship with the savior by seeking him out through study, prayer, and faith, and you will begin to see yourself and others, through Christ's eyes, seeing a small bit of your eternal value. I know my savior lives. I know Jesus Christ came down for you and I to prepare a way for us to return to our Heavenly Father. I know He loves every one of you. And I leave this thought with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. BTW I'm trying to bulk. Pls pray that I'll be 6'8 and 210 lbs by the end of my mission (jk that seems a bit sacrilege... maybe jusylt 6'5.... I am trying to bulk though. Feels like ive been 160 since I came out the womb) Or if not, pray for this friend named Steven he could use some blessings right now (do this please). Anyways cyaluvyabye and Merry Christmas BTW I ate chicken soup that was grown in a pumpkin. Pagosa goes wild. 1: pumpkin grown chicken soup 2: man dressed like a deer 3: Pic from another dunk but I thought it was clear the hoop wasn't 10 ft so that's why it wasn't in last weeks 4: my comp 5: Campbell's soup for tracting. People be sick in Pagosa so they say they are sick and we pull Campbell's out of the back pocket and say: "oh you need some soup?"

What - 12.11.2023

Okay lots of things have happened. First, I'm a trainer. My greenies name is Elder Holland. And yes he is very very very loosely related to the apostle. Elder Holland is a little silly on the door approaches... this is sometimes how it goes: "hello I'm a missionary for the church of Jesus christ of latterday saints and im here to tell you about Jesus Christ's gospel"... starts from the creation of the world We've been real busy, have a guy named Steven on date for the 23rd and we think he's actually going to be baptized. And he wants to which is new and very cool. There's a guy named russ whos been fighting cancer, he's a great guy and refuses to come to church. We had a member present with us on the last lesson and left the member with him alone and he got him to say he might come. Member presence in lessons works miracles. If your not already going out with your missionaries on lessons, please do. Both the missionaries and the investigators need it. Also if you have the opportunity to serve in Temples please do. Spiritual thought time One of my favorite hymns is let your lower lights be burning. We aren't called to hide the light within us, but magnify it. And what is the light within us? Christ teaches in Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Send your gleam out upon the waves by doing good works, by serving others as Christ would. With a righteous desire exeplified and sanctified by action. As you do this, you may come across some poor faint and struggling seaman, that you may rescue and save. Hiding your light under a bushel is not a part of the plan. No matter how long or how brightly your fire has already been burning. This life is the time for men to labor. To burn and shine brightly in the service of God and their fellow man. I testify that if we serve with all our heart might mind and strength with a love for God and all men that our lights will be magnified and shine brightly for those nearby. That may be a stranger, a brother or sister, a friend, or a son or daughter. The ones that we know and love. And also those that we might come to know and love. Okay that's the email. Cyaluvyabye. Here's some pics: 1: New comp 2: New comp, Rod, and Gary 3: told New comp he had to wear a safety vest while backing 4: My favorite ZL that left my zone Ps: The mission has decided to make a rule: no games in the apartments... so we are hiding monopoly, chess and Pokémon cards in the walls, roof, and floor for the next inspection. Wish us luck.

What Day Is It?! - 11.28.2023

The week flew by again and I can't tell if I've been out for 1 day or 2 years. Anyways we've been consistently finding 20+ people each week and overall have been teaching pretty good lessons (as long as it's the restoration lesson, it's the only one I actually have down at this point). We still have 3 people on date for baptism, there's another 5 or 6 that could be but they aren't quite ready yet. Anywhooom had an exchange this week with one of the ZL's and I learned that I don't have to baptize every single person in Pagosa TODAY (which is how I've been acting and feeling) Instead I can do it this week :) I've also been trying to match my pace with my comps and that seems to work pretty well for both unity and effectiveness. Moving on to.... This week's cool facts: It snowed this week. Another cool fact that happened this week, my mtc companion found an Eve to his Adam (not the best analogy, but he found a daughter of God if you get my drift). ANYWHOOOM that's now MY 2 year mission goal... to find my future forever friend. I'm setting apart my "ETERNAL" preparation days to accomplish this goal. By applying the unreleased chapter 14 of Preach My Gospel: "flirt to convert" I think it's very doable through steadfast faith and fervent prayer and fasting. Just kidding my hearts on lockdown for the next 2 years. Sorry sistas Okay team... spiritual thought time: I'd like to talk about promised blessings found in the scriptures. I'd like to start by sharing 2 verses that have a promise that I personally desire: D&C 121:45,46 says: 45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. 46 The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever. There are two requirements mentioned in this scripture for these promised blessings. The first, is charity. The second is to garnish thoughts with virtue, which in my mind, seems very similar to thinking celestial. I greatly desire the promised blessings in these 2 verses. I have been practicing virtuous thoughts and praying for the gift of charity daily in an attempt to obtain them. I know that as I continue throughout life to fulfill the necessary requirements for these blessings, that a day will come, whether in this life or the next, where His promises will be fulfilled. I promise that as you prayerfully study the scriptures and words of prophets, you will find promises that God extends to you. I further declare that these promises will be fulfilled, by God, through our consistent, daily efforts to meet those requirements. As we do this, and seek to apply the atonement where we falter, we grow closer to, and become more like, Jesus Christ. I leave this email with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Cool pics Me and comp, I beat the plan of salvation, me and my companion being exalted because I put my screen protector on upside down and it covers the camera, also my toes were cold thats why im not happy, I found a cool reindeer hat thing.

Press Onward, Onward with a Hope in Christ - 11.20.2023

Hello, First things first, you and I are children of God, he knows and loves us. In fact, He loves us so much that he sent His Only Begotten Son, to die for us, that through Him, we might be saved. ----- It's an interesting time here in Pagosa. Lots of people are moving out and lots more are moving in (half the population leaves for the winter, the other half comes in to ski). I don't have any cool stories this week other than... My MTC companion and I were REAL MISSION COMPANIONS. We had a transfer and Elder Osberg and I worked in Pagosa, found 10 people and taught a lot of good lessons and put someone on date for baptism (almost). He didn't accept the invitation, but his response, in my mind, was better than yes. He said he wasn't ready now but he would when he was ready. Also we hid the food and filled the cupboards with chastity and word of wisdom pamphlets. It was supposed to be a prank for Elder Osberg but he got to the apartment early so I'm afraid he knew about it. Major buzz kill. ----- I most admire the people we visit. As we visit and find more and more people I'm reminded of an ancient prayer I first heard in a talk by Hugh B. Brown that goes: From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth, From the laziness that is content with half-truths, From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, O God of Truth, deliver us. I often wonder if I, in their place, would have the courage to hear the words of a stranger, relying on a being i cant see, whose voice and presence is quiet as a whisper, to confirm truth to me. And even now, back in my own shoes, what words could I give that would express what I know and love? I only hope the expression and phrase, "I love my savior," will work alright. ----- I know my savior lives. I leave this email with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. --- The one picture of me and Elder osberg cropped out to be just the two of us from another picture because we don't take pictures.