Now that you have identified your top 1-3 (no more than 3) areas you want to improve or build, you can employ the power of curiosity to help you uncover the best strategies for success in your quest!
A few questions to help you get started - by no means is this exhaustive:
“I wonder how I could use my talents and resources to add this extra income each month?”
“How do people in my situation find the time to exercise and eat healthily?
“If I was to quit smoking - how would I do it?”
Interestingly, you don’t have to know the answers! But in asking the RIGHT questions, you will bring into play the power of your subconscious mind….that eternally wise part of yourself that never sleeps; it will go to work to find the answers, to explore the options, make the right connections and help you uncover all the possibilities that will make your success inevitable.
Notice how the above questions, birthed in a state of curiosity, differ from these questions:
“Why is there never enough money at the end of the month?”
“How will I ever get ahead?”
“Why can’t I lose weight?”
“Why can’t I quit smoking?”
Are the above really questions at all? With their judgmental undertones, they are sure to put a girdle on your potential for success and actually push your success away.
So, now that you know WHAT you want to tackle, sit down and craft 3 power questions for each area - remember to be curious!
We’ll talk about planning — next time!
I believe in you - a squillion percent!
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