Whether it’s your health, your relationships, your career, your finances - even your emotional well-being - there are not tricks, hacks or shortcuts to getting them to their peak state. If there were, that diet pill would have worked - forever. The Jackpot winner would still be independently wealthy, and on and on.
Anything worth having or holding onto takes work — and that work it takes to obtain is the same ‘stuff’ that will help you hold onto that success. It’s the very stuff that creates hardiness and character. Think of people who you admire and look up to; chances are they didn’t ‘luck out’ or have all the breaks. Chances are those folks who we really admire are also the folks with the callouses of the laborer…whether they be physical or other callouses.
Is there something in life that you feel is ‘missing?’ Something out there that you want - but can’t quite put your finger on it? A great exercise to get your started on your own path to success is to take a personal inventory on your level of satisfaction in each area of your life. On a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is the least satisfied/happy and 10 is completely satisfied/happy, rate your level:
This can help you identify where you are right now. The next step is to ask yourself: if you could change/improve just one of these areas — one area that would make the biggest difference … the biggest improvement… what one area would that be?
It’s critical that in this first phase of discovery, that you don’t get caught up in the ‘how.' Worrying about what to do or how to affect a change will thwart your success here. This first phase - there are no limits. Just identify one area that if you were to have a change or improvement - it would make the biggest impact on your happiness and satisfaction.
We’ll talk about the “How” - next time.
Until then, I believe in YOU!
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